It’s Spring!!! I looked out the front window this morning and the snow has melted. The sun is out. In celebration, here’s an acrostic poem I wrote back in 2011.
Succulent and sweet with Springtime's nectar,
Tangy with the taste of dreams ahead,
Resplendent-hued, like clouds on the horizon
Aflame with rising light, enticing red;
Water droplets resting on their roundness
Beckon me and I no longer fight.
Eager for the burst of tingling flavour,
Resistless, longing, I can only bite.
Rapture greets me, capturing my senses.
I simply cannot stop at only one.
Enticing berries overwhelm my scruples;
Sorry dear, your breakfast is... well... gone.
(Originally posted April 20, 2020)
(Photo by Vanesa Conunaese on Unsplash)